August 15, 2006

Today the World is better than Yesterday.
Today the bombs stopped falling.
Today the mothers and fathers cry to their sons and daughters, and the sons and daughters cry to their fathers and mothers under a blue sky, from which bombs don’t fall.

These and the others believe they are the winners. There remains a long way before PEACE truly blooms in that region that has had us breathlessly waiting for a month.

So many years of hatreds, of fights, of revenge, of death, of resentment, of hurt without healing. A proposal was accepted that came from the outside. Perhaps in the warring sides there was fatigue. Many soldiers return to their houses. Others do not. Many people will be able to return to their houses. Others will not.

Many will reopen wounds of fear, of pain and of death. Others will start to leave behind the experience of killing for the first, or twentieth, time in their life.

No life will be the same, will never ever be the same.

All that resentment, all that pain and suffering has flooded that land that gives oranges, olives, the land on which boys and girls should have run, the parents embracing their children, mothers rocking children in their laps, couples making love and and making new children … the land where the Mediterranean, deep and blue, comes to rest, the land from which you can watch the birds fly.

The war has brought to that region so much pain for so many years. Who will be able to stop that spiral? We don’t know yet. Perhaps in our short lives we won’t be able to see it.

What I do feel is that in this world, now more than ever, the people’s commitment to and desire for peace is always increasing. More and more frequently they speak of forgiveness, of compassion, of tolerance, of respect, of putting yourself in the shoes of others… of understanding and embracing.

We know that tanks nor cannons nor military feats are what produce heroes. We know that the man who fires as much as the man who receives the bullet are victims of the same craziness. This truth comes across to the world, and is part of what more and more people feel all over the world.

Every day more people understand this.
For this reason the world Today is better than Yesterday.
Let us go out to celebrate Peace. Just believe, deeply.



Julia Ardón said...

Que bonito, y qué bonito que lo pusiste.
Yo quiero ese pin!!!!

Super, super agradecida.

qué bueno que te gustó.

Eva said...

Me alegra,que te alegre! que te haya robado la poesia y cambiarla de idioma y de pagina, pero es que el mensaje de paz hay que pasarlo,traducilo,rellenarlo, hacerlo en discurso y tirarlo al viento para que en todos los lugares del mundo esten presentes tus palabras de paz.
Mil besos y juntas con todas y todos, vestiremos a este mundo de amor.

Julia Ardón said...

Que nada ni nadie nos parará.

Anonymous said...

Hoy sono en mi programa de radio en espanol e ingles y he me han llamado y me han dicho, lo que ya se muchos saben y pueden disfrutar...
A Julia en sus vidas.
Gracias por tus palabras y las haremos ser realidad.